Sunday, February 25, 2007

hey all this place ain't dead... although i thought it was cos apparently my com ain't letting me view my own blog. go figure haha

6 weeks down, 3 to go.

got more to say but this is not the place ;)


Saturday, February 24, 2007

test test test test test test this is a test test test cos my blog has been down down down for the past week

Sunday, February 04, 2007

greetings, from the far flung side of Singapore, where the last vestiges of human civilisation start to fall, where the concrete jungle begins to give way to dense vegetation, lush greenery and assorted flora and fauna. yes, this place can be dangerous due to its isolation. where it takes half an hour to get to anyplace of importance, welcome to jurong west!

oh yeahhhhhhhh i'm home again. home sweet home. i bet you all were thinking of tekong right haha. well if you look over derh you will find many interesting things, but its much much better on the mainland with great family and great friends. hope to catch up with everyone else i haven't seen for so long yup. till next time, ciao

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